Insights for Inspire
In particular in the coming month we are praying about Insights for Inspire that we received recently. We are still processing them ourselves but we wanted to share them with you so that you can join us in taking them to the Lord. Do let us know if you feel He is saying something to you for Inspire: [email protected].
We asked “What Do You Feel The Lord Is Saying For/To Inspire?”… (The points noted here are as they have been given to us)
- City/lamp on a hill.
- Stay rooted in Scripture.
- Obedience in small things.
- Truely listen to the Holy Spirit.
- Picture of sprouting plant.
- The stomp’s will pass.
- “Inclusion.”
- Image of bunch of trees, full and beautiful. But the trees themselves are short. But roots are very deep and intertwined.
- Picture of big oversized “W” like you would see on a baseball stadium in the title. Maybe whole or wholeness?
- Personal growth and developing relationships with God through soul sharing.
- Well done! This has been a hard season but Inspire is doing a good job.
- I will have a School of Discipleship that will have authority and credibility in making disciples.
- I will grow you greatly.
- 10 fold in 10 years
Giving Thanks for …
- Good online Learning Communities that have encouraged people to go deeper in their walk with Jesus.
- Gathering of Wilmore fellowships in-person (see e-News for more about this)
- Frank & Brenda’s move to College Station, Texas
- Growing number of fellowship bands in Ukraine out of the OMS-Inspire Discipleship Cohort
- Connections being made for and through Inspire in new places around the world.
- Church leaders turning to Inspire for encouragement for their own discipleship and for new ideas for doing real church in a pandemic.
- The Beacon of Hope continuing to provide weekly encouragement to people.
Praying for…
- With COVID cases increasing around the world and among our Inspire network, we continue to pray for all those who are navigating difficult restrictions. We pray that they will not be discouraged and will find inspiration from the Holy Spirit for continuing in fellowship in whatever ways are possible.
- Fellowship Band in Bangkok who invite us to join with then in praying about the student demonstrations. They write: “There has been no more violence recently – thank God. Protests are on going but the government has changed strategy as they saw violence only brought the protestors more public support. Not sure what the next stage will bring but we’re remaining prayerful and watchful.”
- Protection over the fellowships that are still allowed to meet in person, and inspiration for healthy online meetings where in-person is not currently possible.
- Translators to help us to translate Inspire resources into other languages. We already have a need for Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Chinese. And we expect to need more!
- New Listening Prayer course starting on the online School of Discipleship.
- Inspire Scholars group beginning a new book study this month.
- Group Healing sessions in Wilmore, KY
- Those who are in special need of God’s healing touch and comfort at this time, that the Spirit will bring wholeness and in the process reveal more of Jesus in people’s lives. We especially remember…
- Wayne, diagnosed with cancer in a lymph node in his neck.
- Maximilian and Daniela (see below)
- Timothy (see below)
Praying for Inspire Missioners …
- Andy as he leads the new Listening Prayer course on the Inspire School of Discipleship.
- Anthony and Kylie raising financial support to continue working with Inspire and starting a new church plant in 2021.
- Frank and Brenda moving house and to a new appointment.
- Phil Meadows on sabbatical from Asbury Seminary this semester writing a new book on discipleship that is foundational for Inspire.
- Missioners in Ukraine who are multiplying fellowship bands
- Randy and Shelly, Inspire Missioners and OMS Missionaries. Randy’s mother died recently and they have been in the USA for a few months. They return to the Ukraine at the beginning of November.
- Samantha continuing to provide administrative support for the Inspire Movement across all the regions for Missioners, the Core Team, the School Discipleship and the Trustees in the Uk and USA.
- Core Teams in Ireland, Great Britain and the USA coordinating the growing Movement in their regions.
- Fundraising so that we can support more Missioners to work part or full-time with Inspire. In particular we need to find more funding for:
- Missioner for inspire for children and families.
- Lead Missioner for the UK to help us with the increasing opportunities the Lord is giving Inspire.
- Missioner Coordinator to increase networking, support and equipping of Missioners