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Thank You for Your Support

Thank YOU for reading our blog and newsletters. We want you to know that you are part of a growing movement of people who are seeking to be missional disciples who make disciples and grow the Kingdom of God.

One of the best things about Inspire is the way we get to connect people from around the world who have a shared heart for missional discipleship. We have resources and training to offer, and wisdom and insights to share, but most of all we love to develop friendships with people so that we can help one another in living Jesus’ Way of Life. We would love to talk to you and share stories of all that God is doing. And you can read some of the testimonies elsewhere in this blog.

From the outset we have sought to be careful stewards of all that God has given us. As a Movement we live by faith and trust the Lord to ‘supply all our needs according to His glorious riches.’ We keep all our administrative costs to a minimum and invest in Missioners and resources to keep the Movement growing.

We continue to see the Lord’s favour on the Inspire Movement as we follow the Spirit’s lead into the coming year. And we want you to be a part of what God is doing.

As a growing international movement, we see great fields for harvest. The current season has raised many questions in the established church as to what it means to be the church in the midst of pandemic and emerge into a different way of doing things. Inspire has many opportunities to help people, organisations, churches and communities to re-envision what it means to be disciples who abide deeply with God and live as everyday missionaries in the context where they live and work.

We believe that the Lord will resource all that He is asking us to do, but we also know that YOU are part of the Lord’s provision

  • Please join us in PRAYER. Subscribe to the Prayer Bowl and join the Inspire Prayer Group. Contact the Prayer Coordinator for details: [email protected]
  • Please become a REGULAR GIVER to the Inspire Movement, or make an occasional gift. Every £ and $ makes a difference. In the UK we are registered as a charity so we can benefit from Gift Aid if you pay tax. In the USA we are registered as a non-profit organisation. You can find out how to give to Inspire HERE.
  • Connect with us to TALK to an INSPIRE MISSIONER about what we are doing, where and how, and to find out more about how you can get involved. We would love to chat with you by phone, email, or video call. CONTACT US to connect with an Inspire Missioner.

Thank you for your generosity