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I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord , the God of Israel, who call you by your name. Isaiah 45:3 ESV

As I read this verse, it struck me that we are in a time of darkness at the moment with all the virus rubbish. But God promises to GIVE us treasures in the darkness!!

Maybe there are some habits people are able to form during lockdown that they can carry forward into post Covid-19 life.

Treasures like …

  • Praying with people over the telephone
  • Eating together at the table more
  • Playing games together more  
  • Enjoying the garden
  • Reading scripture out loud 
  • Watching Spring more
  • …the list could go on.

These are treasures that God has given us in the darkness that we can take through to life beyond a crisis, or a pandemic, to enrich our lives hereafter!  And he has done it simply (and yet amazingly and mindblowingly) so we would know he has called us by name.

Rachel shared this reflection. She would love to hear from you about how the Lord is speaking to you through Scripture, especially in this season.

If you would like help thinking about how to receive ‘treasures’ from spiritual disciplines, or to receive prayer then contact us: [email protected]