The online course Introduction to Fellowship Bands provides an introduction to Inspire fellowship bands and how they are a means for pursuing Jesus’ way of life and growing as missional disciples. We unpack the characteristics and rhyme of a band meetings as well as sharing practical advice for starting and sustaining a healthy journey in an Inspire fellowship band. You can find out more and register for the next course here: School of Discipleship Online Courses
The Jan-Feb course was transformative for many people. Here are some of the testimonies about the difference the Online Learning Community made to them and the way fellowship band has helped them to abide more deeply with Jesus.
I’ve been very blessed since I became part of Inspire. Both, School of Discipleship and my Band have been an instrument on God’s hand for me. Most of us are here with the same wish: seeking growth, seeking learning. As a learning community we share things that God has taught us and He uses it to teach each other, it is a like a mutual learning. I’ve never seen something like that before and I’ve been very pleased in being part. When I joined Inspire I was having many struggles that could damage my faith, and the band helped me to find God through my fellows and spiritual disciplines. Nothing so hard, very simple, as Jesus is. I can acknowledge Jesus leading us in each class and each band. After that, I have been feeling myself challenged by God to go ahead on the mission He called me when I first met him. Fabio, Church Planter, England.
I feel that us finding this course was God’s intervention in our lives. Church for me had become a duty; an act of service. This course has brought me out of the spiritual ‘wasteland’ I was in and renewed my relationship with Jesus with a passion for my growth, His church and His kingdom. This course has been a real blessing for us . Thank you. Sandra, England
Before this course we felt like we were a chair swinging on the back legs of fellowship and mission whilst neglecting the disciplines and seeking after more of God. Mission and fellowship drove us to seek God to sustain us but we realised that we neglected to actually spend time with Him. This course has helped God reposition our chair so that we are firmly on four legs. We had got so busy we were losing our balance. Our passion for Jesus has been reignited. We have our rhythm back with God. We are tired but excited, scared but enthused.
The presence of Jesus has been evident in this Learning Community even between our meetings.
The teaching and prep was inspiring. The material was a good selection of different learning approaches, something to watch, listen to and read. To meet with Christians internationally was a privilege and some useful insights and experiences shared. We have had a renewed faith, a stirred up passion for the presence of God again and it has also improved our spiritual conversation with others. Robert, England
I valued the opportunity to share in both the large and small groups. I valued that people can come together from all over the world and have a common bond in the love of Jesus. I have grown in my hunger to know more and to find out more about words of knowledge and listening and acting upon the prompts of God’s Holy Spirit. I have learned that everyone can have Words of Knowledge and that what I might think as not very significant can be really significant to someone else. Also the discipline of coming together even when I don’t feel like it. I feel that God is challenging me to go deeper in the groups in which I am involved. Penny, Northern Ireland.
Many thanks to Inspire and our leaders for the thought provoking and challenging course and thank you especially to my (course) band members.
The phrase which kept coming into my mind during our band discussion was an invitation from God to us to just step into the ‘Niagara of God’s grace’.
It has been so encouraging and uplifting to meet and share with people in the short time we have been in a fellowship band (on this course). I hope we can keep in touch by a meeting every so often after the course.
You can read more about how Fellowship Bands transform people’s lives as the help them to abide more deeply with God and live as every day missionaries: CLICK HERE