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What Difference Does It Make?

As the first course in the new Inspire School of Discipleship started this week, we were reminded of some of the ways Inspire fellowship bands and training have helped to transform people’s lives and encourage them to hold on to the hope that they have in Jesus.

You can read more about joining in the Inspire School of Discipleship, or Inspire Fellowship Bands, by clicking the buttons below.

“Inspire challenges me to get back to the things that really matter.”

“We are here (on this course) because we are all wanting more of God.”

“The Lord greatly blessed everything that I have heard in Inspire training before and showed me how to use it in my daily life.”

“I want to follow Jesus more faithfully. I know I can’t do this on my own.”

“Attending Inspire training in is like being at a well watered garden. Being with people who love Jesus is life giving and inspiring.”

“Listening to sermons and reading books is all very well, but being in close fellowship with a few other people who love Jesus helps me to live my life more full of and close to Jesus.”

“Our goal is to walk with Jesus, but we build the church to make it something that makes us feel better. It becomes less about Jesus and making yourself feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. I don’t want that anymore.”

“Real discipleship is deeper than just knowledge of the Bible that we might get in a bible study It should reach the heart and transform our every day life. Inspire helps me to get to the heart.”

“It is all about relationship, even on Zoom! I love the way the Holy Spirit comes into our fellowship in small groups. Jesus comes into our heart when we are in relationship with him and one another.”

“Fellowship band is one of my favourite things. I find it is where God speaks and holds my heart.”

“I am seeking to not be lukewarm anymore.”

“When you wait for a long time to see an answer to prayer, it is hard to keep going. Fellowship band is where people help me stand firm in the challenge of waiting for an answer. “

“Sometimes Jesus challenges us to give up things that are holding us back from a deeper relationship with him. If you don’t have people to walk with you through that, it is easy to quit because it feels too hard. Fellowship band is essential in my relationship with Jesus.”