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Holy Spirit Song

In the light of your redemption
Your salvation calls to me
What a strange and lovely feeling
When your blood washed over me

In the midst of all my terrors 
In the day that seems so drear 
You speak softly to my spirit 
And wipe away my every tear 

Comforter and friend
Holy Spirit mend
All the places in 
The depths of my heart

Sanctify and redefine
The image that I see
So when I look in the mirror 
It’s just you and me. 

© William Mansfield, 2020

William has recently been prompted by the Holy Spirit to review words that that the Lord has given him for songs. And they are working on them together! When he shared them at an Inspire House Church recently, we asked him if we could share them with you, even though they are not yet perfected. We hope the words will bless you.

William also recorded them on Youtube so you can him singing them here: HOLY SPIRIT SONG

You can read more of William’s songs here:

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