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Giving Thanks ~ Thanks Giving

Giving thanks for YOU!

“We have not stopped giving thanks for YOU. We pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight… that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he has called … that you will understand the incredible greatness of God; power for us who believe in him.” Ephesians 1: 16-19 NLT

We cannot THANK YOU enough for your continuing love, prayers and support for the Inspire Movement. It is for you that the Lord gave us the vision for Inspire and it because of you that we see the Spirit extending the Movement around the world. 

Below you will find just a few of the ways we are giving thanks and stewarding all the the Lord has given us. We hope it might encourage you to thankfully give to Inspire. You can find out more about we use the gifts we are given and how Inspire is funded here

Giving Thanks for Fellowship Bands, House Fellowships and Church Planting

In the last 18 months, even in the midst of a pandemic, we have seen:

  • 12 fellowship bands register directly with Inspire. We know of more than 100 that have started in local church contexts and we think there are even more that have not connected with the Movement yet. Read fellowship band testimonies
  • 10 new house fellowships register with Inspire and there are more that we know about. 
  • A cohort of leaders begin to meet online for mentoring to prepare to plant at least 5 new house fellowships in the new year. Read about house fellowship training.
  • A new church plant in St Louis using Inspire principles and practices.Read an update.
  • Plans forming for a church planting cohort to begin in 2022.

Giving Thanks for Baptism

We are in awe of the Lord’s transforming power that brings people to a point of baptism. And we give thanks for the part that Inspire has played in some testimonies, amongst which are: 

  • Inspire Missioner, Frank, stepped into a river in Texas in October to baptise Clint. Read the story
  • Members of an Inspire House Fellowship in WiImore were baptised in a local creek in April. Read the story
  • Remembering Our Baptism is part of who we are. Read the story. 

Giving Thanks for Opportunities for Translation

Last month we told you about the vision we received for Inspire and how we feel the Lord might be leading us into that. You can read more on the Inspire blog.

Since then we’ve had number of conversations that confirm our discernment and we are pressing on with thanksgiving as we seek:

  • Translators to help us produce our resources in Spanish, Russian and Chinese and maybe more languages!
  • Funding through generous giving to help us support translators. 
  • Prayer to make Inspire resources in multiple languages a reality. 

Giving Thanks for Training Missional Disciples

In the last 18 months the Inspire School of Discipleship has helped the Lord to transform more than 200 lives!  People have joined in our online courses from England, N.Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Nigeria, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Benin Republic and many of the states in the USA. 

In the coming year we have plans to increase the number of courses that we offer and multiply the cohorts so that more people in different regions can access Inspire training online. Many of our Missioners volunteer their time to lead courses and, aside from a very small registration fee, we do not charge people to participate in online courses. There are significant costs to providing the School online and we hope that you will consider giving regularly to help us continue to keep up with all the Lord wants to do. 

Giving Thanks for Prayer and Healing

Our God is awesome – AMEN! We see Him at work in and through the Inspire Prayer Group where we share prayer requests, answers to prayer, insights and wisdom from the Lord and updates as they happen. This remarkable group of people from across the Movement faithfully pray for Inspire and for others connected with us. And the Lord is always faithful. Read more ‘Prayer Points’ later in this email. Contact us to join the Prayer Group and subscribe to our monthly Prayer Newsletter.

We are so thankful that the Lord has also brought Missioners into the Inspire Movement who are dedicated to, and experienced in, guiding healing prayer in a number of ways, including: 

  • Healing Band, a modified version of Fellowship Band that focuses on practicing and receiving healing;
  • Teaching on Healing Prayer;
  • Personalised healing meetings/prayer by appointment.

If you are in need of healing and /or interested in learning about the practices of healing, contact us to find out more or to arrange an appointment.

Giving Thanks for Inspire Missioners

Inspire Missioners are at the cutting edge of the Movement. There are currently 44 Missioners serving the Lord through the Inspire Movement. Several Missioners are fundraising support so that they can give their full-time to working with the Inspire Movement. The Praying for Missioners page is updated regularly with highlights of what is happening around the Movement.  

Missioners help to give oversight to Inspire in particular regions. We currently have Core Teams in:

Giving Thanks for Testimonies and Reflections of God’s Faithfulness

The Inspire Beacon of Hope is delivered to more than 330 email in boxes every week. It started as a ray of hope during the pandemic and continues as a weekly ‘Inspire-ation’ for people. “I just love the way the Lord draws things together from different sources and reinforces His message to us in various way. Thank you again for this ministry.” Read more testimonies about the impact of the Beacon of Hope

Giving Thanks for Inspire Resources

Countdown to Christmas with Jesus

We just got this hot off the press! This limited edition Advent devotional is designed to bring together families (biological or spiritual) to share daily fellowship, seek more of God, develop some spiritual disciplines, and step out to share the Good News of Jesus in their everyday lives. For each day through Advent there is a rhythm of devotions that includes centring prayer, reflection on scripture, a creative activity and a beautiful illustration to reflect on, all to help you focus on Jesus this Advent. Order your copy now from the Inspire Book Store. 

Fan Into Flame

This beautiful image is now available on the Inspire Bookstore as notecards with envelopes, postcards, and also A4 and A5 prints. A wonderful way of sending notes of thanks to people, or gifting as a Christmas present.

House Fellowship: A Quick Guide

This NEW quick guide provides a basic introduction to the nature of missional discipleship and how it is formed through the dynamics of a house fellowship as a spiritual family and missional community. It is full of simple practical wisdom about how to start a house fellowship, avoid the pitfalls, and press into its life-transforming core spiritual practices. A great resource for starting, growing and multiplying house fellowships within the local church or as an approach to church planting. You will find a preview on the Inspire Book Store.